Frequently Asked Questions

  • In-person appointments are available at the Phoenix Redeem Counseling office, located on Roosevelt Row downtown. Telehealth services are available via video-call or telephone to all Arizona and Oregon residents.

  • Redeem Counseling is a fee-for-service provider and does not accept insurance. Many insurance policies do, however, provide partial reimbursement for out-of-network behavioral health services. Members are encouraged to call the customer service phone number on their insurance card to ask about their policy's reimbursement policy and rate.

  • Redeem Counseling has a limited pro-bono allowance for clients that are experiencing financial hardship. Therapists may offer this allowance at their discretion after three full-fee appointments have been completed. "Financial hardship" is defined as any reasonable situation in which a client must choose between paying for therapy or paying their basic bills (e.g. rent, utilities, etc.).

  • Redeem Counseling does not currently have psychiatric or medical providers on staff. We are, however, happy to help you find a recommended provider that can meet your needs and, with your consent, coordinate with them regarding your care.

  • Redeem Counseling offers services to individuals and couples 18 years and older and to families when all family members participate. We do not currently offer individual therapy for minors.

  • Redeem Counseling is committed to providing the most effective, ethical, evidence-based services in a culturally competent manner. This includes approaching health and wellness holistically (physically, psychologically, relationally, and spiritually) while preserving our clients’ self-determination. While we encourage and support the inclusion of our clients’ spirituality in their therapeutic process, we do not engage in any form of religious proselytizing or teaching.

  • The Redeem Counseling office is at 333 W Roosevelt St, in the Torgenson building, on the southeast corner of 4th Ave & Roosevelt (just south of the 7th Ave I-10 exit). Free parking is available in any uncovered space or curbside. The main entrance is on the south side (parking lot side) of the building. When you arrive you can proceed through the first floor offices and up the stairs where you'll find the waiting area and restroom. Your therapist will meet you in the waiting area at your appointment time.