The Games We Play Part 2: Breaking Free

Ironically, the roles that helped to maintain family stability in our childhood can create instability and other problems in our adult relationships. When unrecognized, these habituated patterns can influence our perceptions, reactions, and relationships. Research suggests that individuals often gravitate toward partnerships and family system roles that are similar to those they played in childhood, perpetuating dysfunctional patterns across generations.

To escape the clutches of dysfunctional roles, self-awareness and intentional action are crucial. Begin by recognizing the role you played in your family system and reflect on how it may have influenced your present behavior. Begin imagining alternative ways you might want to interact with others and seek the support of a therapists or support groups to navigate that transformative journey. Engage in introspection, challenging ingrained beliefs, and begin replacing them with healthier perspectives.

Here are some practical applications:

1. Set boundaries: Clearly communicate your needs and establish boundaries within your relationships. Practice saying "no" when necessary and prioritize your well-being.

2. Seek therapy: Work with a qualified therapist to explore the impact of your childhood roles and develop healthier coping strategies.

3. Practice self-care: Prioritize self-care activities that nurture your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Engage in hobbies, exercise, and spend time with supportive friends and loved ones.

4. Cultivate healthy relationships: Surround yourself with individuals who support your growth and well-being. Foster open and honest communication, emphasizing empathy and understanding.

Embrace the journey of transformation from habituated dysfunctional family roles to the ways in which you desire to interact with relationships. By understanding the origins and effects of our dysfunctional family roles, we unlock the door to personal growth and create space for healthier relationships. Remember that as a living thing, you have the ability to heal, change, and grow. Step into the realm of self-discovery and freedom. A life of fulfillment and genuine connection awaits!


The Games We Play Part 1: Escaping Our Family Roles